ESG Platform

Environment, Social and Corporate Governance

About the platform

The ESG portal was launched in December 2021 by the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour as a voluntary tool, designed to showcase and instil education and awareness on environmental, social and governance credentials.

The investment community is a crucial enabler of the transition towards a sustainable economic model for the Maltese Islands. More than ever, Maltese companies and entities are investing in sustainable business models. This is being done through increased commitment towards projects and initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment, tangibly support the social dynamics of the Maltese community and ensure a more robust corporate governance framework.

The ESG Platform identifies the actual carbon footprint of these companies and entities as they invest in renewable sources of energy. Efficient use of water and other resources employed in their operations is also measured to quantify their environmental impact.

Fair treatment of employees, investment in upskilling the workforce and tangible commitment to equality factors are some of the criteria that showcase the social commitment of these companies and entities, whilst board independence and diversity are key elements that measure their governance structure.